Eilidh Weinberg has been a government trainee for the program: Transition to Animal-Free Innovation (TPI) since September 2024. Here she develops a financial roadmap that helps researchers and entrepreneurs gain faster access to subsidies for animal-free innovations. What drives this former skin therapist to focus on this topic now? In our Drijfveren section, we meet the people behind the transition to an animal-free future.

Before Eilidh started at TPI, she didn’t think much about the transition to an animal-free world. “I prefer not to use products that have been tested on animals, but in the practice of skin therapy we mainly focus on the best care for patients, without thinking too much about the underlying impact of our products.”
She now sees how important awareness is, also among the general public. “Many people don’t know that half a million animal tests are still carried out in the Netherlands every year. We can increase that awareness through policy and media.”
From skin therapy to policy
Eilidh Weinberg, 23, is originally a skin therapist, something she really enjoys doing. However, she felt something was missing. “Skin therapy is quite a physical profession, because you are mainly treating patients. In addition, there is also a mental component, because the contact with patients and the personal connections you build can make the balance quite tough. I have done this work in both a medical and cosmetic practice: think of treating lymphedema or acne. Eventually, I noticed that I was looking for more social work.”
She discovered the Rijkstraineeship through a friend and decided to participate. She was selected and linked to TPI by the organization of the traineeship. “My experience as a skin therapist and my interest in cosmetics and animal welfare turned out to be a match for TPI. Letting go of skin therapy was a bit of a shock, but this transition feels refreshing and provides many new insights.”
A financial roadmap for greater innovation
As a core assignment, Eilidh is working on a financial roadmap that should make animal-free innovations (New Approach Methodologies) more accessible. Imagine: a researcher or entrepreneur wants to develop an animal-free alternative, but can’t find any funding. With this roadmap, they can get started!
“Finding funding is often a stumbling block for researchers and companies. With this roadmap we want to show the possibilities for researchers, companies/start-ups and public-private partnerships, from well-known subsidies such as those from Proefdiervrij and ZonMW to less obvious programs. This way, we open doors for more animal-free innovation.”
We always want more, but is that necessary?
Eilidh’s traineeship at TPI is now coming to an end. Time went fast: “I was able to do and learn so much. For example, I took a tour of a laboratory and an animal testing center and organized an internal working group with, among others, Proefdiervrij, PETA and the Dutch Animal Protection Society.”
Thanks to her time at TPI, Eilidh has learned a lot about the potential of innovative, animal-free methods – and about the challenges of completely phasing out animal testing. “It makes you think: we always want more, better medicines, more comfort. But how often do we stop to think about the price that is paid for that, in the form of animal testing? It has made me more aware of my own choices and how much I really need. This awareness is essential for change.”
As Eilidh shows: your choices today can change the world tomorrow. Thank you for your time Eilidh and good luck with your next job; we hope you can bring some animal-free innovation there too! Together we can increase our impact towards a world without animal testing.
Do you also want to contribute to a world without animal testing? Be inspired by stories like Eilidh’s and check out how you can make an impact!