Are you curious about what the future of non-animal research looks like and who the young leaders of this movement are? Then don’t missToekomstproef 2024! On 15 November, researchers and experts will gather in Utrecht to discuss the future of science, in which human research models will become the norm.

A look ahead to an animal-free future

During this free event, Proefdiervrij invites you to listen to inspiring speakers, such as bioengineer Dr Hossein Eslami Amirabadi who will talk about the impact of young researchers by applying animal-free innovations. After this, some members of YoungTPI will have the chance to present their own experiences and ideas in short pitches. These pitches have been selected after a previous workshop, where the best ideas emerged. A great opportunity to hear the frontrunners of tomorrow!

Who will win the Hugo van Poelgeest Award?

The highlight of the afternoon will be the presentation of the Hugo van Poelgeest Prize and the audience award, in cooperation with Stichting Bouwstenen voor Dierenwelzijn. This prize is awarded every two years to a young scientist who has done pioneering work in the field of animal-free science.

Patrick Mulder
Henrique Pinto
Giulia Moreni

This year, an independent jury has nominated three promising young scientists for the Hugo van Poelgeest Prize, including Patrick Mulder, who researches non-animal burns with skin models of human cells, Henrique Pinto, who works on mimicking the blood-brain barrier to improve drug development, and Giulia Moreni, who develops innovative stem cell models to research viral infections without animals. Do you already know who you will vote for? Learn more about their researches.

Programme overview

Date: 15 novembre 2024
Location: La Vie, Utrecht
Language:Be aware that there will be spoken English through the whole event.

Be there!

Toekomstproef 2024 is the chance to talk to like-minded people about the future of science and the impact of non-animal models. Whether you are a researcher yourself, curious about the latest innovations or simply interested in ethical research – this is the event you want to attend! Book your free ticket here.